Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blessings for Saffarino and Maria

Today most of us stayed around the compound before church (2:00 start) and worked on repairing things here. Steve, Will and Eric set them up with a shower head with a self contained heating element. They've never had a hot shower here before. Let me tell you, they were excited! Eric and Tim fixed a 2500 watt generator. Trampus, Banjo and I worked on the computers getting virus protection up to date and parental controls set. Others worked on odds and ends like we did.
Church today was an experience. We were treated to music, preaching, an engagement announcement, business meeting, financial report, revival weekend committee election, announcements and activities and one little girl slapping her brother as hard as she could for messing with her hair. They are still a very works based congregation, but Terri is working to help the pastors understand the grace of God. Pray for her.
Tonight we had a celebration feast and singing with our host family to follow. It was a very sweet time as we sang several songs in Spanish and English simultaneously. Knowing that our God can make sense of the noise of separate languages singing the same song makes me look forward to the day when we will all sing the perfect song to Him.
We have laughed a lot on this trip. Someone on the outside looking in might get the idea we argue with each other, but we have the joy of true friendship. We have made fun of Eric being insecure, of Trampus being a redneck and of Steve's ten thumbs. I praise God for these men. I count it a privilege to serve with them.
The two videos I'm including are of us working and of Jerrod playing and singing for two girls who were at our worksite each day. The taller of the girls is Lucia, one of the residents of the new house. Eric and Jerrod sponsored her education for this year. I'll talk to you more about sponsorships when I get home. Its a great opportunity!

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