Wednesday, September 2, 2009

God Answers Questions

I did something today that will have a profound effect on who I believe I am. My 'perception of self' as it were. I asked God a question and waited intently for Him to answer.
I've asked God specific questions many times in the past. I've waited on His answer many times in the past. But I've never asked THIS question in such a manner. My question to Him was, "What is there in me that is pleasing to You?".
Again the question in itself is not that unique. I've said it in other forms throughout my life. Oh God, what good is there in me? Dear Lord, how do you find anything in me worth loving? But those are really very different questions. Those are said out of exasperation. Out of a sense of failure. Today's question was for the express purpose of hearing an answer.
For us to know who we really are before God we have to become transparent. We have to be willing to see ourselves as He sees us. Many will follow the model of David and ask God to "search my heart..." when seeking to be transparent before Him, but do we ever ask the flip side of that? Search me and show me what pleases you.
So I asked. I verbally questioned God regarding my virtue. The good He has placed in me. I wasnt asking for an exhaustive list, just one thing. An affirmation. And He answered, "You are brave". The floodgates of joy opened from within me! Tears flowed. I laughed out loud. And an odd sensation came over me. It was the acceptance that God is right in His estimation of me. It almost sounds arrogant, but I am brave. I have stood in front of the enemy and defiantly proclaimed that he cant have the life of my child, because God has already promised it to her. I have confronted the parents of my students and told them of the good in their kids. I have dared to raise my children to be sent wherever God chooses to send them. Those things take bravery.
Lest you think I am thumping my chest over what I have become, let me remind all of us it is God who placed that (and any other) quality in me. He is the source of every smidgen of good in me.
If you have never taken the time to ask God to tell you what He has placed in you, try it. Knowing what He sees as good in you will change how you see yourself. And cause you to behave as He sees you.

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