Sunday, December 30, 2007

Winter Camp

We will leave FBC at 1 on Monday to head for Winter Camp. Be sure to pack warm clothes as it will be cold Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


At times throughout the year, my dear friend Trampus and I meet on Monday's for breakfast. I usually make the short drive to Jacksonville, pick him up and head over to la Fonda del Sol for breakfast burritos. Trampus is in the long process of building a house (praying for you Charlan) so we are not meeting at this time.
That said, today I did have breakfast with some dear friends. We met at Big Al's and I had the best non-mexican breakfast burrito ever. The best part of my morning wasn't the food though. It was the company of two incredibly Godly young women. I had invited any of the kids who were exempt to meet there and Elizabeth and Laura took me up on it.
Sometimes ministry means you are around a lot of students, but get to know few of them. Im glad God has me in a place where I can get to know kids like these two. They have a heart to know Him and make Him known. And spending time with them today made me want to do the same.


At times throughout the year, my dear friend Trampus and I meet on Monday's for breakfast. I usually make the short drive to Jacksonville, pick him up and head over to la Fonda del Sol for breakfast burritos. Trampus is in the long process of building a house (praying for you Charlan) so we are not meeting at this time.
That said, today I did have breakfast with some dear friends. We met at Big Al's and I had the best non-mexican breakfast burrito ever. The best part of my morning wasn't the food though. It was the company of two incredibly Godly young women. I had invited any of the kids who were exempt to meet there and Elizabeth and Laura took me up on it.
Sometimes ministry means you are around a lot of students, but get to know few of them. Im glad God has me in a place where I can get to know kids like these two. They have a heart to know Him and make Him known. And spending time with them today made me want to do the same.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Model A

Here are some pics from this weeks progress. We have begun talk about how sin related to the need for salvation. The bible part of this project is in depth and will help lay a strong foundation for these students.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


The cab and frame are separated!

Model A

Melissa takes up metalworking.

Model A

The steering column is off and the last of the body bolts are coming out. The cab should be in the air shortly.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Model A Tear-down

More progress is made on the model a project this Sunday. The cab should be off the frame by the time we finish this afternoon.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


It looks like a different place. What a blessing to see all the adults and youth give a day to be a blessing to others!

It was a bigger project

...than we at first thought. Two of the men replace the lapboard.

Work Begins

Fall work project of painting a local house. We had a great turnout of both students and adults!


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Model A Project Begins

Bible study and mechanics. What could be better?

Saturday, October 20, 2007


The Rusk High School band did in fact make their 1's at UIL marching competition today. CONGRATULATIONS EAGLE BAND!

11 in a row?

The Rusk High School Band marched today seeking to start their way towards an 11th consecutive sweepstakes. They looked good.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Win A $5,000 Scholarship

Here's a great video for students to see.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Senior Night

Rachel Mahaffey is presented by her parents, Wayne and D'Linda. Congrats Rachel!

Senior Night Volleyball

Meagan Richey is presented by her dad, Pat. Congrats Meagan!

Fall Retreat

Our time at Pineywoods for Fall Retreat was incredible. God revealed Himself to us and showed His desire for our lives. He wants us to be people He can brag on. Not that we be puffed up with pride, but that we have confidence in His ability to work through us. He wants us to have the kind of faith in Him that allows us to praise Him in every circumstance.
Big thanks to Nick and Bobby D. for they way they poured themselves out before God. To see young men love the Lord and reach out to students is a tremendous blessing.
The next thing we have planned is Mid-Winter Advance over New Year's Eve.

So, Reese, what is that mad volleyball move you're making there? Never seen that one before.

There are a ton of pics from Fall Retreat you can have. Just email me and I'll send you whatever I have

Brandon watches a great game. Unfold those arms man! This is hard core.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall Retreat

Just a friendly reminder that Fall Retreat money ($60) is due Sunday the 7th.

Work Project

OK. No one would believe this one without pictures. We went to the Walker's place to clean the brush out of their pond. When asking for volunteers to go on this project I purposely left out most of the details.
We shucked our shoes and waded into the pond. Mud up to your knees under water to your waist is a great way to start the day. We made our way around the edge pulling tree tops up to the bank.
Mr. Walker fell off a rather steep part of the bank and did a back tuck into the pond which threw Mrs. Walker into a fit of laughter. We were stunned, but it was hilarious. He wasnt hurt so we all went back to work.
This was the most unusual project we have done to date, but it was a blast.
Want to know more? Ask Collin, Ricky Bobby, Melissa or Sydney.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Setho at MudBash

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Well, we all got in the mud this year so there was no one to take pics to have proof of us even being here (except the mud in various ears). Setho came after his baseball games and played so here's one of him.
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Thursday, September 6, 2007


For the past 6 weeks our youth group has been studying the idea that we each have a destiny. More than that, the idea that God is desiring to reveal His very specific plans to each of us.
We looked at the life and destiny of King David, John the Baptist, Stephen and, as a group, the early church. Each became aware of and lived out their destiny differently.
My favorite was Stephen. He was a regular church member who was appointed as deacon, then given the job of distributing that days version of meals on wheels. As he walked closer and closer to God he was given the opportunity to speak to the Jewish leadership. That turned out to be his last day on earth, but his first day in heaven.
As each of these grew closer to God they could see more clearly God's very specific plans. Their destiny was realized as they each began to work along side Him.
As we long to know what the future holds, we can come along side the Master and see, in Him, our destiny.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007


I know, there's no picture with this post and as much as that irks me I'm doing it anyway.
Its Sunday night and we are settling in to bed after a full day at FBC. Tomorrow is Labor Day and all the kids in our group (except 2) will be in school tomorrow.
It occurs to me that I have heard two very different, but equally challenging messages today. One was a reminder of how much God really loves is and pursues is to enter a relationship with us. The other was a 'teaching sermon' on the lives of two of King David's sons. That message had a simple and profound effect on me: that I be satisfied with no more and no less than what God allows me to be. I believe He has grand plans for everyone who puts their faith in Him. I believe the plans He has for me are bigger and better than I would plan for myself. I want it all. Everything He has for me. I don't want to settle for a small faith that barely gets me home. I want to be the spiritual leader and saint He sees when He looks at me through His eternal eyes. The other side of the same coin says I don't want to run ahead of Him, wanting for things He never intended for me. In His will. Smack dab in the center. That's where I want to spend my days on earth.
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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Thanks to Lainie

Need I say more?
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Melissa brushing her hair?!?

Everybody knows that's fake.
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Becca and Amanda

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Computer time

Ella shows the girls a few things about computer programming.
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Sucking down the sonic route 44.
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There's a full throttle about to be spilled in the background.
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Exchanging ringtones. Heard something about hittin a skripper in da head.
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Ella and Sam have a conversation. Sam talks A LOT.
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Amanda and Elizabeth

There's a world of brainpower on that couch.
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More girls night
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Katie and Sydney

At girls night. Its a veritable estrogen overload around here
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

RIP Summer 07

As summer draws to a close we are looking forward to God moving through us this fall. We are planning to be at Mudbash on the 15th of September.

SYATP is September 26th so plans are being made for that as well.

We will have 5th Quarter for each of our 4 home games this year, with all the food and great music expected there.

Finally, our Fall Retreat will be October 12-14 at Pineywoods in their new Edgemond Lodge facility.

Join us for our weekly meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 372 E 4th Street, FBC Rusk!

Jason Hoffman
Minister to Students
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