Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Empty Tomb

The Empty Tomb
The darkness of Jesus' death was like no other. We cant imagine what it is like to have seen Him, eaten with Him, and lived by His side. How horrible that darkness must have been for those who loved Him dearly.
As they came to the tomb that morning, the knowledge that He was no longer there only caused the darkness to suffocate them even more. They couldnt yet understand the resurrection. All they could see was that His body was missing. Now their mourning would even be cheated.
'His sheep hear his voice and recognize His voice and He knows them by name'. When Jesus said "Mary" she immediately came out of the darkness. And oh, what a great light she saw. Jesus wasnt missing, He was resurrected from the dead!
The empty tomb isnt a symbol of what is lost, but of what is gained: Everlasting life for those who put their trust in Him.

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

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